

Chuadanga is the name of a Western district of Bangladesh. It is a part of the Khulna administrative division that covers most districts in the south-west of the country. The district shares domestic borders with the Kushtia District on the northeast, Meherpur on the northwest and Jhenaidaha on the south and southeast. On its southwest lies the Nadia District (in the state of West Bengal in India). The annual average maximum temperature is 40.1 °C and the average for the minimum is 8.2 °C, while 1,467 mm is received on average each year. The entire Chuadanga district lies within the Ganges Delta, with rivers Mathabhanga, Bhairab, Kumar, Chitra, and Nabaganga flowing through the district.

Area:  1, 174. 10  km 2(453. 32  sq mi)

Upazilas: Alamdanga, Chuadanga Sadar, Jibannagar, Damurhuda.

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